Special Nitrides Seminar - Davide Bisi, Transphorm
Special Nitrides Seminar
Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 12:00PM
Attend in person at ESB 1001!
Zoom option also available
Meeting ID: 827 5019 9200
Passcode : 174292
Davide Bisi
Transphorm Inc., 75 Castilian Dr, Goleta CA 93117, USA
1-805-456-1300 x312, dbisi@transphorusa.com
GaN Power Devices: Present and Future
Thanks to its superior switching properties, GaN is penetrating several power applications, including fast chargers, power supplies, solar inverters, and automotive. With higher conversion efficiency, GaN allows miniaturization and energy savings. In this seminar, we review GaN technologies available today and in development for tomorrow. Industry trends and GaN adoption will be discussed. You will learn about continuous innovation towards high power, including 1200-V rating, short-circuit survivability, and bidirectional operations. The renaissance of power electronics is here, for the people, for the planet.
BIO: Davide Bisi is a Senior Member of Technical Staff with Transphorm Inc, where he leads R&D projects on advanced GaN materials and devices. Davide received a PhD degree on GaN devices from the University of Padova, Italy in 2015. After his degree, he visited UCSB further expanding his expertise on GaN technologies. Davide joined Transphorm in 2016 accelerating the development of new GaN products towards their adopt on into successful applications.
Dr. Bisi has co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and has been awarded 6 Patents. He is currently the vice-chair of the GaN technical committee for the IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium.
HOST: Dr. Matthew Wong