No. |
Year |
Title and Authors |
Publisher |
Category |
1 |
1986 |
"Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Thermal Decomposition Rates of Trimethylgallium and Arsine and Their Relevance to the Growth of GaAs by MOCVD", S.P. DenBaars, B.Y. Maa, P.D. Dapkus, A.D. Danner and H.C. Lee |
J. Crystal Growth, 77, 186 |
Refereed Conference Proceedings |
2 |
1987 |
"The Effects of Hydrodynamics Interrupted Growth and Growth Temperature on the Interface Properties of AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition", S.P. DenBaars, H.C. Lee, A. Hariz, and P.D. Dapkus |
Technical Program of the Electronic Materials Conference, paper N7, 50 |
Refereed Conference Proceedings |
3 |
1987 |
"GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Lasers with Active Regions Grown by Atomic Layer Epitaxy",S.P. DenBaars, C.A. Hariz, and P.D. Dapkus |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 1530 |
Journal |
4 |
1987 |
"The Growth of AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures by Atomic Layer Epitaxy" Epitaxy of Semiconductor Layered Structures, S.P. DenBaars, A. Hariz, C.A. Beyler, B.Y. Maa, Q. Chen, and P.D. Dapkus |
Mat. Res. Soc. Proceedings, Vol. 102, p. 527, Boston, MA |
Refereed Conference Proceedings |
5 |
1987 |
"The Role of Surface and Gas Phase Reactions in Atomic Layer Epitaxy", S.P. DenBaars, P.D. Dapkus, Q. Chen, W.G. Jeong, and B.Y. Maa |
Materials Research Society, Symposium C, Epitaxy of Semiconductor Layered Structures, (Paper C7.9), Boston, MA, December |
Refereed Conference Proceedings |
6 |
1987 |
"AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells Grown by Atomic Layer Epitaxy", S.P. DenBaars, C.A. Beyler,A. Hariz, and P.D. Dapkus |
Technical Digest Third Biennial OMVPE Workshop, (Paper A2), Brewster, MA, September |
Conference Proceedings |
7 |
1988 |
"Atomic Layer Epitaxy for the Growth of Heterostructure Devices", S.P. DenBaars, P.D. Dapkus, C.A. Beyler, A. Hariz, and K. Dzurko |
Crystal Growth, 93, 195 |
Journal |
8 |
1988 |
"Thermal and Laser Assisted Atomic Layer Epitaxy of Compound Semiconductors", S.P. DenBaars, P.D. Dapkus, J.S. Osinski, M. Zandian, C.A. Beyler, and K.M. Dzurko |
Int. Symp. GaAs and Related Compounds, Atlanta, GA 1988, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 96, 89 |
Refereed Conference Proceedings |
9 |
1989 |
"Reaction Mechanisms in the Thermal Decomposition of Triethylarsenic and Diethylarsine", S.P. DenBaars, B.Y. Maa, P.D. Dapkus, and A. Melas |
J. Electrochem. Soc., 136, No. 7, 2067 |
Journal |
10 |
1989 |
"Minority Carrier Lifetimes in Undoped AlGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells", A. Hariz, P.D. Dapkus, H.C. Lee, E.P. Menu, and S.P. DenBaars |
Appl. Phys. Lett., 54, 635 |
Journal |
11 |
1989 |
"The Role of Surface and Gas Phase Reactions in Atomic Layer Epitaxy", P.D. Dapkus, S.P. DenBaars, Q. Chen, W.G. Jeong, and B.Y. Maa |
Prog. Crystal Growth and Charact., 19, 137 |
Journal |
12 |
1989 |
"Atomic Layer Epitaxy of Compound Semiconductors with Metalorganic Precursors", S. P. DenBaars and P.D. Dapkus |
J. Crystal Growth, 98, 195 |
Journal |
13 |
1990 |
"Atmospheric Atomic Layer Epitaxy", P.D. Dapkus, B.Y. Maa, Q. Chen, W.G. Jeong, and S.P. DenBaars, |
Acta Polytechnica Scandivica, Ch. 195, 39 |
Journal |
14 |
1991 |
"Atmospheric Atomic Layer Epitaxy: Mechanisms and Applications", P.D. Dapkus, B.Y. Maa, Q. Chen, W.G. Jeong, and S.P. DenBaars |
J. Crystal Growth, 107, 73 |
Journal |
15 |
1992 |
"Epitaxial AlGaAs/AlAs Distributed Bragg Reflectors for Green (550nm) Lightwaves", D.B. Young, D.I. Babic, S.P. DenBaars, and L.A. Coldren |
Electronic Lett. 28, No.20, 1873 |
Journal |
16 |
1992 |
"Growth of High Quality InxGa1-xAs/InP Quantum Wells with Tertiarybutylarsine and Tertiarybutylphosphine", M. P. Mack, C. M. Reaves, P. J. Corvini, S.P. DenBaars, M. S. Leonard, M. Mondry and J. L. Merz |
Technical Program of the Electronic Materials Conference, J. Electronic Materials, 21,No.7, Paper J2, p.39 |
Conference Proceedings |
17 |
1992 |
"Fe-Doped Semi-Insulating InP Grown by Atmospheric Pressure MOCVD Using Tertiarybutylphosphine, Trimethylindium, and Ferrocene", P.J. Corvini, M. Hashemi, S.P. DenBaars, J.E. Bowers |
Technical Program of the Electronic Materials Conference, J. Electronic Materials, 21,No.7, Paper P4, p.54 |
Conference Proceedings |
18 |
1992 |
"Wide tunability and large mode-suppression in a multisection semiconductor laser using sampled gratings", V.J. Jayaraman, L.A. Coldren, S.P. DenBaars, A. Mather, and P.D. Dapkus |
Proceedings of the Integrated Photonics Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, WF-1, pp. 54-55 |
Conference Proceedings |
19 |
1992 |
"High Performance Heterojunction InGaAs/InP JFET grown by MOCVD using Tertiarybutylarsine and Tertiarybutylphosphine", M.M. Hashemi, J.B. Shealy, S.P. DenBaars, U.K. Mishra |
P7, IEDM Tech. Digest, 311 |
Journal |
20 |
1992 |
"Visible Light Emitting Diodes: Materials Growth and Properties" S.P. DenBaars, |
Solid State Luminescence-Theory, Materials & Devices, Chapter 8, pp. 263-291. A.H. Kitai, editor ( Chapman and Hall, London, England ) |
Book Chapter |
21 |
1993 |
"High Speed p+ GaInAs-n-InP Heterojunction JFETs (HJFETs) grown by MOCVD", M.M. Hashemi, J.B. Shealy, S.P. DenBaars, U.K. Mishra |
IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 14, No. 2., 60 |
Journal |
22 |
1993 |
"High Speed Heterojunction JFETs grown by Non-Hydride MOCVD", M.M. Hashemi, J.B. Shealy, S.P. DenBaars, and U.K. Mishra |
Proceedings ofUltrafast electronics and Optoelectronics Conference |
Conference Proceedings |
23 |
1993 |
"Low Threshold 1.5 µm Quantum Well Lasers Grown by Atmospheric Pressure MOCVD with Tertiarybutylarsine and Tertiarybutylphosphine", M. E. Heimbuch, A.L. Holmes, S.P. DenBaars, L.A. Coldren, and J.E. Bowers |
Electronics Letters, 29, No. 4, pp.340-341 |
Journal |
24 |
1993 |
"Novel High Power Heterojunction JFETs (HJFETs) Grown by MOCVD", M.M. Hashemi, J.B. Shealy, S.P. DenBaars, and U.K. Mishra |
IEEE Proceedings of the 5th Intl. InP and Related Materials Conf.,Paris, France, ISBN 0-7803-0993-6, pp. 375-378, IEEE Society, Piscataway, New Jersey |
Conference Proceedings |
25 |
1993 |
"High Quality Long Wavelength Lasers Grown by Atmospheric Pressure MOCVD with Liquid Group V Sources", M. E. Heimbuch A.L. Holmes, Jr., S.P. DenBaars, L.A. Coldren, and J.E. Bowers |
IEEE Proceedings of the 5th Intl. InP and Related Materials Conf.,Paris, France, ISBN 0-7803-0993-6, pp. 239-242, IEEE Society, Piscataway, New Jersey |
Conference Proceedings |
26 |
1993 |
"Photoluminescence Studies of a Quantum Well Modulated by Faceting on GaAs(11) Surfaces", S. Tomiya, C.M. Reaves, M. Krishnatmurthy, M. Wassermeier, D. Bimberg, P.M. Petroff, S.P. DenBaars |
Mat. Research Soc. Proceedings, San Francisco, April |
Refereed Conference Proceedings |
27 |
1993 |
"35 GHz fmax InP JFET Grown by MOCVD Using Tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP)", M.M. Hashemi, J.B. Shealy, S.P. DenBaars, and U.K. Mishra |
Electronics Lett. 29, No. 4, pp.372-374 |
Journal |
28 |
1993 |
"Low Threshold Strained InxGa1-xAsyP1-y/InP Quantum Well Lasers Grown with TBA and TBP", S.P. DenBaars, A.L.Holmes, JR., M. E. Heimbuch, and C. M. Reaves |
Late News paper, Extended Abstracts of European Workshop on MOVPE-V, pp. E-19-21, Malmo, Sweden, June |
Conference Proceedings |
29 |
1993 |
"Strained InGaAsP Single Quantum Well Lasers Grown with Tertiarybutylarsine and Tertiarybutylphosphine", A.L. Holmes, M.E. Heimbuch, and S.P. DenBaars |
Appl. Physics Lettters, V63, N25:3417-3419, December |
Journal |
30 |
1993 |
"Direct Formation of Quantum-sized Dots from Uniform Coherent Islands of InGaAs on GaAs Surfaces", D.Leonard, M. Krishnamurty, C.M. Reaves, P.M. Petroff, and S.P. DenBaars |
, V63, N23:3203-3205, December |
Journal |
33 |
1993 |
"Low Threshold 1.5 Mu-M Quantum Well Lasers Grown by Atmospheric Pressure MOCVD with Tertiarybutylarsine (TBA) and Tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP)", M. E. Heimbuch, A. L. Holmes, M. P. Mack, S. P. DenBaars |
Electronics Letters, V29, N4: 340-342 |
Journal |
34 |
1993 |
"35 GHz F (Max) InP JFet Grown by Non-Hydride MOCVD", M. M. Hashemi, J. B. Shealy, S. P. DenBaars, U. K. Mishra |
Electronics Letters, V29, N4: 372-373 |
Journal |
35 |
1993 |
"High-Speed P+ GaInAs-N InP Heterojunction JFets (HJFETS) Grown by MOCVD", M. M. Hashemi, J. B. Shealy, S. P. DenBaars, U. K. Mishra |
IEEE Electron Device Letters, V14, N2: 60-62 |
Journal |
36 |
1993 |
"Epitaxial AlGaAs/AlAs Distributed Bragg Reflectors for Green (550 NM) Lightwaves", D. B. Young, D. I. Babic, S. P. DenBaars, L. A. Coldren |
Electronics Letters, V28, N20: 1873-1874 |
Journal |
37 |
1993 |
"Photoluminescence Studies of a Quantum Well Modulated by Facetting on GaAs(110) Surfaces", S. Tomiya, C.M. Reaves, M. Krishnamurthy, M. Wassermeier, D. Bimberg, P.M. Petroff, and S.P. DenBaars |
Common Themes and Mechanisms of Epitaxial Growth, edited by P. Fuoss, J. Tsao, D.W. Kisker, A. Zangwill, and T. Kuech (Materials Research Society. Symposium Proceedings Vol. 312) |
Conference Proceedings |
38 |
1994 |
"Tertiarybutylarsine and Tertiarybutylphosphine for the MOCVD Growth of Low Threshold 1.5 5µm InxGa1-xAsInP Quantum Well Lasers", M. Heimbuch, A.L. Holmes, C.M. Reaves, S.P. DenBaars, and L.A. Coldren |
Journal of Electronic Materials, V23, N2:87-91, February |
Journal |
39 |
1994 |
"High Performance InP JFET grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition using Tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP) as the Phosphorous Source", M.M. Hashemi, J.B. Shealy, S.P. DenBaars, U.K. Mishra |
Journal of Electronic Materials, V23, N2:233-237, February |
Journal |
40 |
1994 |
"Formation of Coherently Strained Self-Assembled InP Quantum Islands on InGaP/GaAs", S. P. DenBaars, C. M. Reaves, V. Bresslerhill, S. Varma |
Journal of Crystal Growth, V145, N1-4: 721-727 |
Journal |
41 |
1994 |
"Flow Modulation Epitaxy of GaXIn(1-X)As/AlAs Heterostructures on InP for Resonant Tunneling Diodes”, B.P. Keller, J.C. Yen, A.L.Homes, S.P.DenBaars, U.K.Mishra |
Applied Surface Science, V82-3, 126-131 |
Journal |
42 |
1994 |
"Luminescence Enhancement of InGaAs/InP Surface Quantum Wells by Room-Temperature Ion-Gun Hydrogenation", Y. L. Chang, I. H. Tan, C. Reaves, E. Hu, S. P. DenBaars |
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, V12, N6: 3704-3707 |
Journal |
43 |
1994 |
"MBE and MOCVD Growth and Properties of Self-Assembling Quantum Dot Arrays in III-V Semiconductor Structures", P. M. Petroff, S. P. DenBaars |
Superlattices and Microstructures, V15, N1: 15-21 |
Journal |
44 |
1994 |
"GaXIn1-XAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diodes Grown by Atmospheric Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition", B. P. Keller, J. C. Yen, S. P. DenBaars, U. K. Mishra |
Applied Physics Letters, V65, N17: 2159-2161 |
Journal |
45 |
1994 |
"Widely Tunable Continuous-Wave InGaAsP/LnP Sampled Grating Lasers", V. Jayaraman, M. E. Heimbuch, L. A. Coldren, S. P. DenBaars |
Electronics Letters, V30, N18: 1492-1494. |
Journal |
46 |
1994 |
"Field-Induced Guide Antiguide Modulators on InGaAsP/InP", S. L. Lee, M. E. Heimbuch, C. J. Mahon, N. Dagli |
Electronics Letters, V30, N12:954-956 |
Journal |
47 |
1994 |
"Passivation of InGaAs/InP Surface Quantum Wells by Ion-Gun Hydrogenation", Y. L. Chang, I. H. Tan, C. Reaves, J. Merz, S. P. DenBaars |
Applied Physics Letters, V64, N20: 2658-2660 |
Journal |
48 |
1994 |
"Continuous-Wave Operation of Sampled Grating Tunable Lasers with 10mwatt Output Power, >60nm Tuning, and Monotonic Tuning CVharacteristics", V.J. Jayaraman, M.E. Heimbuch, L.A. Coldren, and S.P. DenBaars |
IEEE Proceedings of the 6th Intl. InP and Related Materials Conf |
Conference Proceedings |
49 |
1994 |
"Compressively Strained 1.55µm InxGa1-xAsyP1-y/InP Quantum Well Laser Diodes Grown with TBA and TBP", S.P. DenBaars, A.L. Holmes, M.H. Heimbuch |
SPIE Proceedings of the Optoelectronics/Laser Conf. |
Conference Proceedings |
50 |
1994 |
"Coupling of Terahertz Radiation with Wispering Gallery Mode Microdisk Lasers", K.B. Nordstrom, S.J. Allen, M.E. Heimbuch, S.P. DenBaars, A.F.J. Levi |
Proceedings of the Conf on Laser and Electro-Optics |
Conference Proceedings |
51 |
1994 |
"GaInAs/GaInP Double Barrier Structures: Growth and Application in Tunneling Diodes", C.M. Reaves, J.C. Yen, N.A. Cevallos, U.K. Mishra, and S.P. DenBaars |
Compound Semiconductor Epitaxy, edited by C.W. Tu, L.A. Kolodziejski, and V.R. McCrary (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 320), 147-152 |
Conference Proceedings |
52 |
1995 |
"Characterization of MOCVD-Grown InP on InGaP/GaAs", C. M. Reaves, V. Bresslerhill, S. Varma, W. H. Weinburg, S. P. DenBaars |
Surface Science, V326, N3: 209-217 |
Journal |
53 |
1995 |
"Indium Phosphide (INP) Based Heterostructure Materials and Devices Grown by MOCVD Using Tertiarybutylarsine (TBA) Tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP)", S. P. DenBaars, A. L. Holmes, M. E. Heimbuch, V. J. Jayaraman |
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, V28, S: S37-S42. |
Journal |
54 |
1995 |
"Low-Temperature PD Bonding of III-V Semiconductors", I. H. Tan, C. Reaves, A. L. Holmes, E. L. Hu, S. P. DenBaars |
Electronics Letters, V31, N7: 588-589 |
Journal |
55 |
1995 |
"Effect of Atmospheric Pressure MOCVD Growth Conditions on UV Band-Edge Photoluminescence in GAn Thin Films", B. P. Keller, S. Keller, D. Kapolnek, M. Kato, S. P. DenBaars |
Electronic Letters, V31, N13: 1102-1103 |
Journal |
56 |
1995 |
"On the Interface Resistance of Regrwon GaInAs on InP", K. Hiziloglu, M.M. Hashemi, S.P. DenBaars, and U.K. Mishra |
Solid State Electronics, V38, N4: 905-908 |
Journal |
57 |
1995 |
"Structural Evolution in Epitaxial Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown GaN Films on Sapphire", D. Kapolnek, X. H. Wu, B. Heying, S. Keller, B. P. Keller, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck |
Applied Physics Letters, v67, N11: 1541-1543 |
Journal |
58 |
1995 |
"InP as Self Assembled Quantum Structures", C.M. Reaves, N.A. Cevallos, G.C. Hsueh, Y.M. Cheng, W.H. Weinberg, P.M. Petroff, and S.P. DenBaars |
Proceeding of the Seventh International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials. |
Conference Proceedings |
59 |
1995 |
"Nanoscale characterization of InP islands on InGaP(001)", V. Bressler-Hill, C.M. Reaves, S. Varma, S.P. DenBaars, and W.H. Weinberg |
OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1995), vol. 5, 36-38 |
Journal |
60 |
1993 |
“Luminescence Enhancement of InGaAs/InP Surface Quantum Wells by Room –Temperature Ion-Gun “, Y.L. Chang, I.H. Tan. C.M. Reaves, J. Merz, E. Hu, and S.P. DenBaars |
Phys. Rev. Letters. |
Journal |
61 |
1994 |
“GaInAs/GaInP Double Barrier Structure: Growth and Application to Tunneling Devices”, C.M. Reaves, J. Yen, M.S. Leonard, A.L. Holmes, U.K. Mishra, S.P. DenBaars |
Materials Res. Soc., 1994, 147-152 |
Conference Proceedings |
62 |
1995 |
"MOCVD Growth of High Optical Quality and High Mobility GaN", B. P. Keller, S. Keller, D. Kapolnek, W.-N. Jiang, Y.-F. Wu, H. Masui, X. Wu, B. Heying, J. S. Speck, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars |
Journal Electronic Materials, Nov. 1995 V24 N11:1707-1709. |
Journal |
63 |
1996 |
"The Role of Threading Dislocation Structure on the X-Ray Diffraction Peak Widths in Epitaxial GaN Films", B. Heying, X. H. Wu, S. Keller, Y. Li, D Kapolnek, B. Keller, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck |
Applied Physics Letters, 29 Jan. 1996, V68 N5:643-645 |
Journal |
64 |
1995 |
"Growth and Characterization of InGaN/GaN Double Heterostructure LEDs Grown by MOCVD", S. Keller, B. P. Keller, Y.-F. Wu, D. Kapolnek, H. Masui, M. Kato, S. Imagi, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars |
Special Issue on Proceedings of Topical Workshop on III-V Nitrides Pergamon. |
Conference Proceedings |
65 |
1995 |
"Effects of Deposition Rate on the Size of Self-Assembled InP Islands Formed on GaInP/GaAs(100)", C.M. Reaves, V. Bressler-Hill, W.H. Weinberg, and S.P. DenBaars |
Journal of Electronic Materials, Nov. 1995, V24, N11:1605-1609 |
Journal |
66 |
1995 |
"Characterization of InP Islands on InGaP/GaAs(001): Effect of Deposition Temperature", V. Bressler-Hill, C.M. Reaves, S. Varma, S.P. DenBaars, and W.H. Weinberg |
Surface Science, Nov 1, 1995, V341 N1-2: 29-39 |
Journal |
67 |
1996 |
"Influence of Sapphire Nitridation on Properties of Gallium Nitride Grown by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition", S. Keller, B. P. Keller, Y.-F. Wu, B. Heying, X. H. Wu, D. Kapolnek, J. S. Speck, U. K. Mishra, and S. P. DenBaars |
Applied Physics Letters, 11 Mar. 1996, V68 N11: 1525-1527 |
Journal |
68 |
1996 |
"Effect of the Trimethylgallium Flow during Nucleation Layer Growth on the Properties of GaN Grown on Sapphire", S. Keller, D. Kapolnek, B. P. Keller, Y. Wu, B. Heying, J. S. Speck, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars. |
Japanese J. Appl. Physics, 1 March 1996, V35, N3A: L285-8. |
Journal |
69 |
1996 |
"Nucleation Layer Evolution in Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown GaN", X. H. Wu, D. Kapolnek, E. J. Tarsa, B. Heying, S. Keller, B. P. Keller, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck. |
Applied Physics Letters, 4 March1996, V68 N10: 1371-1373. |
Journal |
70 |
1995 |
“High Performance AlAs/Ga/sub x/In/sub 1-x/As Resonant Tunneling Diodes by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition,” J.C. Yen, B.P. Keller, S.P. DenBaars, U.K. Mishra. |
Journal of Electronic Materials, Oct. 1995. V24, N10:1387-1390. |
Journal |
71 |
1995 |
“Analysis of InP Etched Surfaces Using Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Regrown Quantum Well Structures,” Yu, DG; Keller, B.P.; Holmes, A.L., Jr.; Hu, E.L.; and others. |
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nov-Dec. 1995, V13, N6:2381-2385. |
Journal |
72 |
1995 |
“Lasing characteristics of InGaP/InGaAlP visible lasers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP). Itaya, K.; Holmes, A.L., Jr.; Keller, S.; Hummel, S.G.; Coldren, L.A. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2 (Letters), 15 Nov. 1995, V34, N11B: L1540-1542.
Journal |
73 |
1995 |
“From research to manufacture-the evolution of MOCVD,” Grodzinski, P.; DenBaars, S.P.; Lee, H.C. |
JOM, Dec. 1995, V47, N12: pp. 25-32. |
Journal |
74 |
1996 |
“Field emission from selectively regrown GaN pyramids,” Underwood, R.D.; Kapolnek, D.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
IEEE, 1996, pp.152-153. |
Conference Proceedings |
75 |
1996 |
“GaN HFETs and MODFETs with very high breakdown voltage and large transconductance,” Wu, Y.-F.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; Kapolnek, D.; Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
IEEE, 1996, pp. 60-61. |
Conference Proceedings |
76 |
1996 |
“Ion damage propagation in dry-etched InP-based structures,” Hu, E.L.; Yu, D.G.; Chen, C.-H.; Keller, B.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
IEEE, 1996, pages 107-110. |
Conference Proceedings |
77 |
1996 |
“InP/InGaAsP photonic integrated broadly tunable receivers based on grating-assisted codirectional coupler optical filter,” Yu-Heng Jan; Heimbuch, M.E.; Coldren, L.A.; DenBaars, S.P. |
IEEE, 1996, pp. 157-158 Volume 2. |
Conference Proceedings |
78 |
1996 |
“Cleaved facets in GaN by wafer fusion of GaN to InP,” Sink, R.K.; Keller, S.; Keller, B.P.; Babic, D.I.; Bowers, J.E.; Speck, J.S. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Materials Res. Soc, 1996, pp. 165-170. |
Conference Proceedings |
79 |
1996 |
“Long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodes,” Babic, D.I.; Jayaraman, V.; Margalit, N.M.; Streubel, K.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Materials Research. Society, 1996, pp. 63-74. |
Conference Proceedings |
80 |
1996 |
“Absolute internal quantum efficiency of an InGaN/GaN quantum well,” Reese, C.; Yablonovitch, E.; Keller, S.; Keller, B.; Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Opt. Soc. America, 1996, p. 472. |
81 |
1996 |
“InP-based devices and their applications for merged FET-HBT technologies,” Parikh, P.; Kiziloglu, K.; Mondry, M.; Chavarkar, P.; Mishra, U. and DenBaars, S. |
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 20 Feb. 1996, V11, N3: pp. 121-125. |
Journal |
82 |
1996 |
“Wavelength-selective grating-assisted codirectional coupler tunable receiver on InP/InGaAsP.” Jan, Y.-H.; Heimbuch, M.E.; Coldren, L.A.; DenBaars, S.P. |
Electronics Letters, 14 March 1996, V32, N6: pp. 593-594. |
Journal |
83 |
1996 |
“Low interface trap density for remote plasma deposited SiO/sub 2/ on n-type GaN,” Casey, H.C., Jr.; Fountain, G.G.; Alley, R.G.; Keller, B.P.; and DenBaars, S. |
Applied Physics Letters, 25 March 1996, V68, N13: pp. 1850-1852. |
Journal |
84 (a) |
1996 |
“Cleaved GaN facets by wafer fusion of GaN to InP,” Sink, R.K.; Keller, S.; Keller, B.P.; Babic, D.I.; Bowers, J.E. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 8 April 1996, V68, N15: pp. 2147-2149. |
Journal |
84 (b) |
1996 |
“Growth and Characterization of bulk InGaN films and quantum wells” S. Keller, B. P. Keller, D. Kapolnek, A. C. Abare, H. Masui, L. A. Coldren, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars |
Applied Physics Letters, 27 May 1996, V68, N22: pp. 3147-3149 |
Journal |
85 |
1996 |
“InP-based multiple quantum well structures grown with tertiarybutylarsine (TEA) and tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP): effects of growth interruptions on structural and optical properties. Holmes, A.L., Jr.; Heimbuch, M.E.; Fish, G.; Coldren, L.A.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Journal of Electronic Materials, June 1996, V25, N6: pp. 965-971. |
Journal |
86 |
1996 |
“A new FET-based integrated circuit technology: the SASSFET,” Parikh, P.A.; Jiang, W.N.; Chavarkar, P.M.; Kiziloglu, K.; Mishra,, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
IEEE Electron Device Letters, July 1996, V17, N7: pp. 375-357. |
Journal |
87 |
1996 |
“Photocurrent decay in n-type GaN thin films,” Qiu, C.H.; Melton, W.; Leksono, M.W.; Pankove, J.I.; Keller, B.P. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 26 August 1996, V69, N9: pp. 1282-1284. |
Journal |
88 |
1996 |
“InP/InGaAsP grating-assisted codirectional coupler tunable receiver with a 30 nm wavelength tuning range,” Jan, Y.-H.; Heimbuch, M.E.; Coldren, L.A.; DenBaars, S.P. |
Electronics Letters, 29 Aug. 1996, V32, N18: pp. 1697-1699. |
Journal |
89 |
1996 |
“Control of III-V epitaxy in a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition process: impact of source flow control on composition and thickness,” Gaffney, M.; Reaves, C.M.; Smith, R.S.; Holmes, A.L., Jr.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Journal of Crystal Growth, Sept. 1996, V167, N1-2: pp. 8-16. |
Journal |
90 |
1996 |
“Measured microwave power performance of AlGaN/GaN MODFET,” Wu, Y.-F.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; Kapolnek, D.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
IEEE Electron Device Letters, Sept. 1996, V17, N9: pp. 455-457. |
Journal |
91 |
1996 |
“Very high breakdown voltage and large transconductance realized on GaN heterojunction field effect transistors,” Wu, Y.-F.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; Kapolnek, D.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 2 Sept. 1996, V69, N10: pp. 1438-1440. |
Journal |
92 |
1996 |
“Defect structure of metal-organic chemical vapor deposition-grown epitaxial (0001) GaN/Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/,” Wu, X.H.; Brown, L.M.; Kapolnek, D.; Keller, S.; Speck, J.S.: Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Journal of Applied Physics, 15 Sept. 1996, V80, N6: pp. 3228-3237. |
Journal |
93 |
1996 |
“Radiative recombination lifetime measurements of InGaN single quantum well,” Sun, C.-K.; Keller, S.; Wang, G.; Minsky, M.; Bowers, J.E. & DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 23 Sept. 1996, V69, N13: pp. 1936-1938. |
Journal |
94 |
1996 |
“Power spectral density analysis of strain-induced InP islands on GaInP/GaAs(100),” Hsueh, G.C.; Reaves, C.M.; DenBaars, S.P.; Weinberg, W.H. |
Surface Science, 10 Oct. 1996, V366, N1: pp. 129-139. |
Journal |
95 |
1996 |
“High-performance submicrometer gatelength GaInAs/InP composite channel HEMT's with regrown ohmic contacts,” Shealy, J.B.; Matloubian, M.; Liu, T.Y.; Thompson, M.A.; Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
IEEE Electron Device Letters, Nov. 1996, V17, N11: pp. 540-542. |
Journal |
96 |
1996 |
“Conduction band offsets in ordered-GaInP/GaAs heterostructures studied by ballistic-electron-emission microscopy,” O'Shea, J.J.; Reaves, C.M.; DenBaars, S.P.; Chin, M.A.; and Narayanamurti, V. |
Applied Physics Letters, 11 Nov. 1996, V69, N20: pp. 3022-3024. |
Journal |
97 |
1996 |
“45 nm wavelength tuning range of an InP/InGaAsP photonic integrated tunable receiver,” Yu-Heng Jan; Heimbuch, M.E.; Coldren, L.A.; DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 18 Nov. 1996, V69, N21: pp. 3131-3133. |
Journal |
98 |
1996 |
“Morphological and structural transitions in GaN films grown on sapphire by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition,” Wu, X.H.; Fini, P.; Keller, S.; Tarsa, E.J.; Speck, J.S.: Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2 (Letters), 15 Dec. 1996, V35, N12B: L1648-1651 |
Journal |
99 |
1996 |
“Formation of self-assembled InP islands on a GaInP/GaAs(311)A surface,” Reaves, C.M.; Pelzel, R.I.; Hsueh, G.C.; Weinberg, W.H.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 16 Dec. 1996, V69, N25: pp. 3878-3880. |
Journal |
100 |
1996 |
“Real-time composition and thickness control techniques in a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition process,” Gaffney, M.S.; Reaves, C.M.; Holmes, A.L., Jr.; Smith, R.S.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Materials Res. Soc, 1996. pp. 133-138. |
Conference Proceedings |
101 |
1997 |
“Growth of bulk InGaN films and quantum wells by atmospheric pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition,” Keller, S.; Keller, B.; Kapolnek, D.; Mishra, U.; & DenBaars, S. |
Journal of Crystal Growth, Jan. 1997, V170, N1-4: pp. 349-352. |
Journal |
102 |
1997 |
“Selective area epitaxy of GaN for electron field emission devices,” Kapolnek, D.; Underwood, R.D.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; and Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Journal of Crystal Growth, Jan. 1997, V170, N.1-4: pp. 340-343. |
Journal |
103 |
1997 |
“Ballistic electron emission microscopy study of transport in GaN thin films,” Brazel, E.G.; Chin, M.A.; Narayanamurti, V.; Kapolnek, D.; and Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 20 Jan. 1997, V70, N3: pages 330-332. |
Journal |
104 |
1997 |
“Selective-area regrowth of GaN field emission tips,” Underwood, R.D.; Kapolnek, D.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Solid-State Electronics, Feb. 1997, V41, N2: pp. 243-245. |
Journal |
105 |
1997 |
“Low resistance ohmic contact to n-GaN with a separate layer method,” Wu, Y.-F.; Jiang, W.-N.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Solid-State Electronics, Feb. 1997, V41, N2: pp. 165-168. |
Journal |
106 |
1997 |
“Comparing ion damage in GaAs and InP,” Yu, D.G.; Chen, C.-H.; Holmes, A.L., Jr.; Hu, E.L.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Microelectronic Engineering, Feb. 1997, V35, N1-4: pp. 95-98. |
Journal |
107 |
1997 |
“GaN/AlGaN MODFET with 80 GHz f/sub max/ and >100 V gate-drain breakdown voltage,” Nguyen, N.X.; Keller, B.P.; Keller, S.; Wu, Y.-F.; Mishra, U.K. and DenBaars, S.P. |
Electronics Letters, 13 Feb. 1997, V33, N4: pp. 334-335. |
Journal |
108 |
1997 |
“Observation of lasing from photopumped InGaN/GaN heterostructures in an edge emitting configuration,” Shmagin, I.K.; Muth, J.F.; Kolbas, R.M.; Krishnankutty, S.; Keller, S.; Abare, A.; Coldren, L.; Mishra, U. & DenBaars, S. |
Journal of Applied Physics, 15 Feb. 1997, V81, N4: pp. 2021-2023. |
Journal |
109 |
1997 |
“Accurate mobility and carrier concentration analysis for GaN,” Look, D.C.; Sizelove, J.R.; Keller, S.; Wu, Y.F.; Mack, M.; Mishra, U.K. & DenBaars, S.P. |
Solid State Communications, April 1997, V102, N4: pp. 297-300. |
Journal |
110 |
1997 |
“Femtosecond studies of carrier dynamics in InGaN,” Sun, C.-K.; Vallee, F.; Keller, S.; Bowers, J.E.; and DenBaars, S.P. |
Applied Physics Letters, 14 April 1997, V70, N15: pp. 2004-2006. |
Journal |
111 |
1997 |